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How to lose weight and hair through stress and poor nutrition
ByJohn WalkerThe Hacker's Diet, notwithstanding its sillysubtitle, is a serious book about how to lose weight andpermanently maintain whatever weight you desire. Ittreats dieting and weight control from an engineeringand management standpoint, and provides the toolsand an understanding of why they work and how to usethem that permit the reader to gain control of theirown weight. The book is intended primarily for busy,successful engineers, programmers, and managers whohave struggled unsuccessfully in the past to loseweight and avoid re-gaining it.Computer-based toolsand experiments in Microsoft Excel or the Palm ComputingPlatform are available, as well as an online Web application,but a computer is not necessary to usethe techniques described in the book; paper and pencilalternatives are provided.
Fourth Edition (2005)
The Fourth Edition of The Hacker's Diet wasreleased in November 2005. It is essentially identical in content with theprevious editions, but has been extensively re-formatted to improveappearance, accessibility, ease of navigation, and standards compliance.The Fourth Edition strictly complies with theXHTML 1.0 (Transitional and Frameset)andCSS 2.1standards and requires a browser which implements thesestandards. (As of the release of this edition, current versionsof all of the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox,Opera, and Microsoft Internet Explorer supported these standardssufficiently to display the book without problems.) In addition, thebrowser and operating system must display Unicode character entities.JavaScript and DOM/DHTML are used in the navigation bar, but if they'reabsent or disabled, everything will still work. If your browser and/orsystem cannot handle this version, the Third Edition (Frames) or theNo-Frame editions, both of which date from 1994, will almost certainlywork. The content is the same; only the presentation is more rudimentary.
EPUB Edition (2011)
TheEPUBedition is in the open document formatcompatible with the iBooks application on the Apple iPad, iPhone, andiPod touch; Sony Reader; Barnes and Noble Nook; and a variety ofother electronic book devices and mobile platforms. EPUB books may beopened directly with a Web browser using theEPUBReaderadd-on for Firefox or theeBookReaderwidget for Opera, although users of desktop and notebook computerswith Internet connectivity will probably prefer theWeb edition,due to its more flexible navigation options.
If your Web browser has an EPUB-compatible plug-in installed, you canopen the book simply by clicking on theTheHacker's Diet EPUB Editionlink. Otherwise, use your browser's idiom to download theabovementioned file to your computer and then transfer it to yourreading device according to the manufacturer's directions. For theiPad and iPhone (etc.), just drag the downloadedhackdiet.epub file to iTunes, where you should see it in the“Books” section. Then connect your reading device to thecomputer and the book should be transferred to it by the Syncprocess. If the book is not installed, make sure that you've enabledsyncing books to that device, and that if you've opted not to sync allbooks in your library to the device, that The Hacker'sDiet is checked to be copied. You must also, of course, havethe AppleiBooksapplication installed on the device; if it's missing, go to the AppStore and install it—it's free.
The Hacker's Diet EPUB edition contains no “DigitalRights Management” constraints: you are free to install it on asmany devices as you wish, transfer it among them (if their hardwareand software so permit), and pass on copies to others. It should becompatible with any EPUB reader hardware and software which can openstandards-compliant unrestricted files.
Computer-Based Tools
Computer-based tools and experiments for MicrosoftExcel and the Palm Computing Platform are available for downloading.A Web-based application, The Hacker's Diet Online, whichcan be used from any computer with Internet access and a Webbrowser, is available.
- The Hacker's Diet Online
- This Web-based application allows you to maintain weight and exercise logs, produce custom charts, analyse trends, and plan diets from any computer with Internet connectivity and a Web browser. Data may be imported from and exported to other versions of the computer tools, or exported as CSV or XML for analysis with other programs.
- Microsoft Excel
- Versions compatible with a variety of Excel releases are available, all ZIPped archives of about 250 Kb.
- Palm Computing Platform
- An implementation of the Eat Watch nutrition and exercise log and analysis software for the Palm Computing Platform (PalmPilot, Palm, PalmOS, etc.), including desktop software for any platform with a standard C language environment which generates illustrated HTML logs from databases backed up from the handheld.
PDF Edition
If you prefer to read the book off-line, you candownload a PDF edition (1.3 Mb, ZIP compressed)which youcan read with the Adobe Reader utility,available for most personal computers and Unix workstations,which may bedownloadedfree of charge directly from theAdobe Systems Web site.The PDF edition preserves all the formatting ofthe original book, and permits point-and-click navigationamong chapters and to follow cross-references in the text.
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Adobe is one of the most consistently irritating companieson Earth with which to do business. I'd like to give youa nice button for downloading your own copy of Adobe Reader,but they won't let me use the image without “registering”and “licensing” it, which I'm certainly not going to doin order to promote their product and its file format.
PostScript Edition
The Hacker's Diet was originally typesetusing TeX with theLaTeXmacro package. Camera-ready copy was generatedfrom PostScript created by the dvipsutility. The PostScript edition is a single monolithicfile, almost 2.7 megabytes, containing theentire book as originally typeset. You can read it on-linewith a PostScript viewing program such asGhostScript(which is free), or print it on any PostScript-compatibleprinter. Before sending thisfile to a printer, consider that the book is almost250 pages long! This is a big printjob, which will consume lots of paper, toner, and,potentially, good will of any colleagues with whomyou share the printer. The PostScript edition may bedownloaded as either a ZIPped archiveor a gzip compressed Unix tarfile; both are 702 Kb in length and uncompress to a 2.7Mb PostScript file.
Third Edition (1994 Web Edition with Frames)
If your browser supports frames but isn't up to the demandsof the Fourth Edition, the original 1994 Web edition withframes remains available.It allows navigation witha panel which lets you click chapter titles and godirectly to that chapter. If, in addition, your browsersupports JavaScript, simply moving the mouse over afootnote icon, like this one:will pop up a window containing the footnote. Moving themouse over other footnotes displays them in the auxiliary window.Browsers without JavaScript (or users who have disabledJavaScript in their browsers) may display footnotes inthe main document window by clicking the footnote icon,then use their browser's “Back” button to return to themain text.
No-Frame Web Edition
Users with browsers which do not support frames, or thosewho prefer a more linear presentation in a singlewindow, may access a no-frame edition of The Hacker'sDiet with identical content to the frame-based book.The no-frame edition includes the pop-up footnotes presentin the frame edition, but since few browsers which lackframes are likely to support JavaScript, you can simply clickon the footnote icon to display it, then use the“Back” button or keystroke to return to the text containingthe footnote.
Someone has been trojanizing a wide variety of hacking tools to compromise the machines of hackers who want to use the tools for free, Cybereason researcher Amit Serper has revealed.
“We have found a widespread hacking campaign that uses the njRat trojan to hijack the victim’s machine, giving the threat actors complete access that can be used for anything from conducting DDoS attacks to stealing sensitive data,” he shared.
About the trojanized hacking tools
The researchers’ investigation revealed that this campaign appears to have been going on for several years.
“So far, we have found samples that are either pretending to be various hacking tools or pretending to be installers of the Chrome Internet browser,” they noted.
Among the trojanized hacking tools are exploit scanners, tools for performing SQL injections, account checkers (tools for brute forcing accounts), and so on, as well as cracks/key generators for them.
Who’s behind this scheme?
The individual or group behind this scheme is offering the trojanized tools on various hacking forums and websites, and hosting them on hacked WordPress sites.
The identity of the threat actor is unknown, but there is a good possibility they might be located in Vietnam: not only has one of the C&C/download domains ( the njRat contacts been registered by a Vietnamese individual, but someone from Vietnam is constantly testing the malicious samples by submitting them to VirusTotal.
“After examining different samples submitted to different subdomains of, it appears that each subdomain is targeting different software and therefore a different set of victims. While all of the samples associated with are targeting various penetration testing and hacking tools, other subdomains are targeting Chrome installers, native Windows applications, and other random programs that have nothing to do with hacking or penetration testing,” the researchers added.
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So, it seems that the threat actor isn’t exclusively targeting other hackers, but anyone they can.