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I’m happy to announce the updated 2nd Edition of my free eBook — Linux 101 Hacks.
There are total of 101 hacks in this book that will help you build a strong foundation in Linux.
All the hacks in this book are explained with appropriate Linux command examples that are easy to follow.
In the 2nd edition of the book, several small hacks from the 1st edition are consolidated, and several new hacks were added.
This free eBook contains 12 chapters with total of 271 pages.
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Linux 101 Hacks 2nd Edition – Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Powerful CD Command Hacks
- Hack 1. Define CD Base Directory Using CDPATH
- Hack 2. Use CD Alias to Navigate Up the Directory
- Hack 3. Perform mkdir and cd Using a Single Command
- Hack 4. Toggle Between Directories
- Hack 5. Manipulate Directory Stack
- Hack 6. Automatically Correct Mistyped Directory Names
Chapter 2: Essential Linux Commands
- Hack 7. Grep Command
- Hack 8. Regular Expression in Grep
- Hack 9. Find Command
- Hack 10. Suppress Standard Output and Error Message
- Hack 11. Join Command
- Hack 12. Change the Case
- Hack 13. Xargs Command
- Hack 14. Sort Command
- Hack 15. Uniq Command
- Hack 16. Cut Command
- Hack 17. Stat Command
- Hack 18. Diff Command
- Hack 19. Display Total Connect Time of Users
- Hack 20. Execute Commands in the Background
- Hack 21. Sed Basics – Find and Replace Using RegEx
- Hack 22. Awk Introduction – Print Examples
- Hack 23. Vim Editor Navigation Fundamentals
- Hack 24. Chmod Command Examples
- Hack 25. View Multiple Log Files in One Terminal
- Hack 26. Less Command
- Hack 27. Wget Examples
Chapter 3: SSH Commands and Tips
- Hack 28. Debug SSH Client Session
- Hack 29. Toggle SSH Session using SSH Escape Character
- Hack 30. Display SSH Session Statistics
- Hack 31. Change OpenSSH Security Options
- Hack 32. Transfer All PuTTY Sessions
Chapter 4: Date Manipulation
- Hack 33. Set System Date and Time
- Hack 34. Set Hardware Date and Time
- Hack 35. Display Date and Time in a Specific Format
- Hack 36. Display Past Date and Time
- Hack 37. Display Future Date and Time
Chapter 5: PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 and PROMPT_COMMAND
- Hack 38. PS1 – Default Interaction Prompt
- Hack 39. PS2 – Continuation Interactive Prompt
- Hack 40. PS3 – Prompt Used by Select Command
- Hack 41. PS4 – Prompt to Prefix Tracing Output
- Hack 43. Customize Bash Prompt Using PS1
- Hack 44. Colorful Bash Prompt Using PS1
Chapter 6: Archive and Compression
- Hack 45. Zip Command Basics
- Hack 46. Zip Command Advanced Compression
- Hack 47. Password Protection of Zip files
- Hack 48. Tar Command Examples
- Hack 49. Combine gzip, bzip2 with Tar
- Hack 50. BZ is Eazy! Bz* Command Examples
- Hack 51. Cpio Examples
Chapter 7: Command Line History
- Hack 52. Bash Command Line History Examples
- Hack 53. History Related Environment Variables
- Hack 54. History Expansion Examples
Chapter 8: System Administration Tasks
- Hack 55. Partition Using fdisk
- Hack 56. Format a Partition Using mke2fsk
- Hack 57. Mount a Partition
- Hack 58. Fine Tune a Partition Using tune2fs
- Hack 59. Create a Swap File System
- Hack 60. Create a New User
- Hack 61. Create a New Group
- Hack 62. Setup SSH Passwordless Login in OpenSSH
- Hack 63. Use ssh-copy-id Along With ssh-agent
- Hack 64. Crontab Examples
- Hack 65. Safe Reboot Of Linux Using Magic SysRq Key
- Hack 66. Linux Parted Command Examples
- Hack 67. Rsync Command Examples
- Hack 68. Chkconfig Command Examples
- Hack 69. How to Setup Anacron
- Hack 70. IPTables Rules Examples
Chapter 9: Install Packages
- Hack 71. Yum Command Examples
- Hack 72. RPM Command Examples
- Hack 73. apt-* Command Examples
- Hack 74. Install from Source
Chapter 10: LAMP Stack
- Hack 75. Install Apache 2 with SSL
- Hack 76. Install PHP from Source
- Hack 77. Install MySQL
- Hack 78. Install LAMP Stack
- Hack 79. Install XAMPP
- Hack 80. Secure Your Apache Web Server
- Hack 81. Apachectl and Httpd Tips
- Hack 82. Setup Apache Virtual Host Configuration
- Hack 83. Rotate Apache Logs Files
Chapter 11: Bash Scripting
- Hack 84. Execution Sequence of .bash_* file
- Hack 85. Bash FOR Loops Using C Like Syntax
- Hack 86. Debug a Shell Script
- Hack 87. Quoting
- Hack 88. Read Data File Fields Inside a Shell Script
Chapter 12: System Monitoring and Performance
- Hack 89. Free Command
- Hack 90. Top Command
- Hack 91. Df Command
- Hack 92. Du Command
- Hack 93. Lsof Commands
- Hack 94. Vmstat Command
- Hack 95. Netstat Command
- Hack 96. Sysctl Command
- Hack 97. Nice Command
- Hack 98. Renice Command
- Hack 99. Kill Command
- Hack 100. Ps Command
- Hack 101. Sar Command
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Enter your email address below to download the Linux 101 Hacks 2nd edition eBook immediately and sign-up for our monthly newsletter.
- Release Eye Fixations for Faster Reactions
- See Movement When All is Still
- Feel the Presence and Loss of Attention
- Detect Sounds on the Margins of Certainty
- Mold Your Body Schema
- Test Your Handedness
- See a Person in Moving Lights
- Make Events Understandable as Cause-and-Effect
- Boost Memory by Using Context
- Understand Detail and the Limits of Attention